The judgment, delivered by Mrs Justice Stacey in the High Court of Justice, King’s Bench Division, concerns a claim by LXB against Mr. John Ridley for personal injury and associated losses due to sexual assaults committed by the defendant between 2004 and 2008. The defendant was previously convicted of these assaults in Suffolk Crown Court. The court found the claimant’s account credible and supported by corroborating evidence, including similar allegations from another victim, JK. The claimant, who was a talented young tennis player, was manipulated and groomed by the defendant, who used his position and wealth to gain the claimant’s trust and compliance. The assaults led to significant psychiatric injuries, including complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) and depressive episodes, which were exacerbated by the legal process and the defendant’s continued denial of the offences. Mrs Justice Stacey: Under the Judicial College Guidelines , these matters fall within chapter 4(c)(b) psychiatric and psychological damage, sexual abuse, moderately severe. Although the abuse was not as serious as many cases that come before the courts, the effect of the abuse has been severe/moderately severe and has caused prolonged psychiatric injury The court allowed the claim to proceed despite being outside the primary limitation period, citing the claimant’s understandable delay in reporting the abuse due to shame, fear, and manipulation. The court awarded the claimant £70,000 in general damages for pain, suffering, and loss of amenity, recognizing the severe and prolonged impact of the abuse on the claimant’s life. The parties were expected to agree on special damages based on the court’s findings. The hearing of this case took place on Friday 4 October 2024.LXB v Ridley [2024] EWHC 3352 (KB)